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Our staff

Meet our wonderful team. 

Senior Leadership Team

  • Emma Moakes

    Head Teacher

    As well as Head Teacher, Mrs Moakes is our Designated Safe Guarding Lead.

  • Kira Jacobs

    Deputy Head Teacher

    Miss Jacobs is Deputy Head, Deputy Safe Guarding Lead and Year 5 Class Teacher. Sharing her teaching responsibilities with Mrs Gilder.

  • Lesley Ralls-Baird

    Inclusion Lead

    Mrs Ralls - Baird is also deputy safeguarding lead.

Office Team

  • Kerrie Reeves

    School Business Manager

    Mrs Reeves is responsible for School operations, Finance, HR and IT. Mrs Reeves is the line manager for the site and office teams.

  • Sonia Day

    Admin Officer

    Mrs Day our admin officer is responsible for admissions, attendance and school trips as well as the day to day running of the school office.

  • Amy Fawson

    Admin assistant


  • Jane Marsh

    Reception teacher

  • Will Rolt

    Year 1 Teacher

  • Kim Farrell

    Year 1 Teacher

  • Katie Webb

    Year 2 Teacher

  • Anna Gallimore

    Year 3 Teacher

  • Louise Mulley

    Year 4 Teacher

  • Lorna Gilder

    Year 5 Teacher

  • Karen Ancill

    Year 6 Teacher

Teaching Assistant

  • Rebecca Cooper

    ELSA, TALA and Home Link

  • Corenna Davis - Young

    Teaching assistant

  • June Humphrey

    Teaching assistant

  • Tina Johnstone

    Teaching assistant

  • John Lowther

    Teaching assistant

  • Linda Mcdermott

    Teaching assistant

  • Abby Mcvey

    Teaching assistant

  • Pauline Pullen

    Teaching assistant

  • Janine Shaw

    Teaching assistant

  • Kim Wells

    HLTA and TALA

    Miss Wells is an experienced HLTA.

Lunch Time Team

  • Tracey Cottrell

    Lunch time assistant

  • Debbie Towers

    Lunch time assistant

  • Callum Barnett

    Lunch time assistant

Premises Team

  • Paul Bray

    Site Manager

  • Leah Foley


  • Gemma Kent


  • Beverley Stone
