Our staff
Meet our wonderful team.
Senior Leadership Team
Emma Moakes
Head Teacher
As well as Head Teacher, Mrs Moakes is our Designated Safe Guarding Lead.
Kira Jacobs
Deputy Head Teacher
Miss Jacobs is Deputy Head, Deputy Safe Guarding Lead and Year 5 Class Teacher. Sharing her teaching responsibilities with Mrs Gilder.
Lesley Ralls-Baird
Inclusion Lead
Mrs Ralls - Baird is also deputy safeguarding lead.
Office Team
Kerrie Reeves
School Business Manager
Mrs Reeves is responsible for School operations, Finance, HR and IT. Mrs Reeves is the line manager for the site and office teams.
Sonia Day
Admin Officer
Mrs Day our admin officer is responsible for admissions, attendance and school trips as well as the day to day running of the school office.
Amy Fawson
Admin assistant
Jane Marsh
Reception teacher
Will Rolt
Year 1 Teacher
Kim Farrell
Year 1 Teacher
Katie Webb
Year 2 Teacher
Anna Gallimore
Year 3 Teacher
Louise Mulley
Year 4 Teacher
Lorna Gilder
Year 5 Teacher
Karen Ancill
Year 6 Teacher
Teaching Assistant
Rebecca Cooper
ELSA, TALA and Home Link
Corenna Davis - Young
Teaching assistant
June Humphrey
Teaching assistant
Tina Johnstone
Teaching assistant
John Lowther
Teaching assistant
Linda Mcdermott
Teaching assistant
Abby Mcvey
Teaching assistant
Pauline Pullen
Teaching assistant
Janine Shaw
Teaching assistant
Kim Wells
Miss Wells is an experienced HLTA.
Lunch Time Team
Tracey Cottrell
Lunch time assistant
Debbie Towers
Lunch time assistant
Leanne Lewis
Lunch time assistant
Sophie Pearce
Lunch time asssitant