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Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard

  Reading Writing GPS Maths Science Combined (Reading/Writing/Maths)
Waterside Primary 70% 66.6% 66.6% 56.6% 80% 53.9%
National  74.5% 72% 72% 72.9% 81% 60.7%
Hampshire LEA  74.4% 71.9% tbc 72.2% tbc 59.6%

*GPS - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Percentage of pupils achieving at 'greater depth'

  Reading Writing GPS Maths Science Combined (Reading/Writing/Maths)
Waterside Primary 23.9% 0% 10% 6.7% 0% 0%
National  28.8% 13.4% tbc 23.4% tbc 7.9%
Hampshire LEA  29.1% 13.7% tbc 21.9% tbc 8.2%

The average scaled score for KS2 Reading was 103.  Nationally it was 104.

The average scaled score for KS2 Maths was 99.7.  Nationally it was 105.

The average scaled score for KS2 GPS was 99.9.  Nationally it was 104.

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