Vision and Values
At Waterside Primary School we want our children to ‘be the best we can be’ in their learning, in their play, in their sport; at home, at school and throughout life.
Our vision is that we provide a caring and supportive environment, with high expectations and a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. We want our children to leave here having achieved their full potential; ready to continue their adventures in learning and life fully equipped to excel and succeed, with big dreams and high ambition.
At Waterside, we strongly believe in providing a curriculum that develops children's knowledge of the world, whilst also providing them with life-long skills, the aspiration and ambition to be healthy, successful, environmentally aware citizens that believe in contributing positively to society.
Throughout the journey through our school, opportunities will be created that empower the children to become curious, questioning learners who can develop and find personal interests and talents whilst also being challenged to think creatively, debate and discuss with clarity and even fail successfully.
Our Aims are…
For all:
- To feel safe and secure in school;
- To know themselves;
- To be confident in taking on new challenges;
- To have high aspirations;
- To see making mistakes as a chance to improve next time;
- To be self-motivated and self-reliant;
- To be kind and considerate to others and respectful of differing opinions;
- To be interested in the world, to care for the planet and to believe that we can all make a difference.
Learning Pirates
Learning is about acquiring knowledge, skills and understanding. To best embed these, we need the learning habits or the behaviours which will allow us to use them well when we need to.
The best learners have developed good learning habits.
To help us on our learning journey we have our ‘Learning Pirates’ who teach us how to be responsible, resilient, reflective, resourceful and reasoning. These are an important part of how we articulate learning, but are also used to feedback to children about their learning.
Find out more about our curriculum Click here